Takashi Kijima

杵島 隆

1920年 米国カリフォルニア生まれ
1924年 母方の実家に帰国(鳥取県米子市)
1943年 日本大学芸術学部映画学科卒業
 日本国籍取得 第13期飛行専修予備学生に志願
1947年 米子市で個展開催 植田正治氏に認められる
1950年 アルスカメラ誌上にて土門拳氏に認められる 
1953年 広告写真をするために上京 ライトパブリシティに入社
1954年 「朝日広告賞」受賞 (朝日新聞社 )
1958年 個展「裸」
1960年 「1959年度最優秀企業広告賞」(アメリカ タイムライフ社)受賞
1976年 「日本写真協会年度賞」受賞(社団法人日本写真協会)
1991年 勲四等瑞宝章受章
2011年 2月20日永眠

「The Orchid」〈講談社 のちにLondon Octopus社から世界10カ国に出版〉
「Keys to the Japanese Mind 義経千本桜」歌舞伎・文楽・浮世絵三部作四冊 (日本放送出版協会)
「蘭=百花譜 Original Orchid」 (小学館 のちにORCHIDS ,WONDERS OF NATURE として10ケ国で出版)
「四季 新宿御苑」〈講談社 Kodansha〉
「Legend of The Nude 1,945~1960」(書苑新社 Syoen Sinsha)

川崎市市民ミュージアム Kawasaki City Museum
東京都写真美術館 Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography
米子市美術館 Yonago City Museum of Art
鳥取県立博物館 Tottori Prefectural Museum
島根県立美術館 Simane Art Musenm

Biography of Takashi Kijima (1920 - 2011)

born in Calexico, California, as the son of Mr. Watanabe, a shoe manufacturer who had
immigrated in 1905, and his wife Sei.
The boy's name as a US citizen was Takashi Watanabe.

Graduated Nihon University, and worked at Toho Film.
His father was imprisoned in a relocation camp in California, where he became ill & died.
His father's insole-U.S. patent was confiscated by US government.

Kijima joined the neval air corps, in a Kamikaze unit.

World War II ended
Received Rolleicord U presented by a wartime camrades lodged at the same house
Returned to Tottori in December

A portrait of an old woman won effusive praise from Ken Domon, famous photographer,and also won many prizes
Studied photographs of "LIFE", "Look", "Vogue", "Bazaar", while opening workshop at PX of US airbase in Miho, Tottori- prefecture

Applied commercial photographs and won prizes.
Moved to Tokyo to work for the company, Light Publicity
Created an advertising for the airing of TV with Joe Murakoshi, designer

Won an advertising prize from LIFE magazine with "Yawata Iron & Steel".
Took an invitation of Art Directors Club, New York, and attended the conference of visual communications.
During his 2-month- stay in New York, he took photogaphs in Easter Parade, Halem,
fish market etc, and made a speech at U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis

Published "The Orchid" (Japanese edition) by Kodansha, a Tokyo- based publisher
Worked on the calendar (Spanish edition), "La Sociedao Hispanica del Japan"

Published the book titled "Yoshitsune- Senbon-Zakura - Keys to (understand) the Japanese Mind"
in 4 volumes from book division of NHK, national public broadcasting organization.
The books have been handed over to President Reagan, and donated to Smithonian Museum
by PM Zenko Suzuki, and then also handed over to political leaders in Europe
by PM Yasuhiro Nakasono.

Photographs bought by Kawasaki City Museum

Published a book, "The Original Orchids - Hyakka-Fu" as a special issue celebrating first opening of the 11. World Orchid Conference by Shogakkan, a publisher in Tokyo

Photographs bought by Yonago City Museum of Art, Tottori prefecture

Published a book, "FOUR SEASONS - Shinjuku Gyoen" by Kodansha, a publisher in Tokyo
Published a book, " Cherry through the Season" by Shogakkan, a publisher in Tokyo

Exhibition of "Takashi Kijima - 1958 [NUDES]" at Fuji (Film) Photo Salon

Exhibition of "Yonago - Time of 6 x 6" (presented 110 photographs)
Photographs bought by JCII, Japan Camera Industry Institute Museum (www.jcii-camera.or.jp/)

Published a book, "Legend of The Nude 1945 - 1960", by Shoen Shinsha, a publisher
Appointed to a chairman of Tokyo Photographical Culture Centre which was dissolved at 2004

Exhibition of "Takashi Kijima" at Yonago City Museum of Art(21.01. 2001- 04.03.2001)
Received Thanking Award as a pioneer of advertising photographs after World War II, as well as for his good j& exciting jobs in the field of femail photos, traditional plays, and orchids
by The Photographic Society of Japan

Photographs bought by Shimane Museum of Art

Exhibited "Old Woman " at Japon 1945-1975 un renouveau photographique in Paris

Photographs bought by Tottori Prefectural Museum

Exhibition of "Takashi Kijima 90 " at Artgraph Gallery
Exhibition of "Nude 50 " by Kokuten at The National Art Center,Tokyo

Exhibition `Four Pioneers of Photo Representation - Teikou Siotani・Syouji Ueda ・ Takeji Iwamiya ・ Takasi Kijima ' at Tottori Prefectual at Tottori Prefectual Museum

Exhibition `Nude' at Roonee 247 photography

Exhibition `Exhibition of New collections' at Yonago City Museum of Art

Exhibition `Old Recollections' at Gallery Art graph